
Optoma Case Studies

Optoma released a couple of case studies of use of its projection technology. Construction company, Coins:Fulcro wanted to create a VR environment to help clients visualise their projects. They used UST and ST projectors to develop a cave-type environment. Get all the details here.

optoma Coins fulcro

A second application was developed by a Russian artist who wanted to create interactive mapped displays using a wearable projection device. R▲ (that’s the artist’s ‘name’) designed the VideoBlast_R, a wearable projection device that allows users to project audiovisual pieces in any outdoor conditions. It comprises eight vector graphic pieces animated via processing. Each animated piece can be triggered by pressing buttons on a Nintendo Wii Nunchuk controller. Each visual features sonic accompaniment by sounds from a Cweiman S1 modular synthesizer.

The hardware is fixed to the forearm in true cyberpunk fashion – on a rollerblade armguard and powered by a DC battery, housed in an iPhone armband. The wearable is then wired to an Arduino Uno microcontroller board, while button mappings are processed via Arduino Nunchuk library. The visuals are transferred through USB Serial to a Raspberry Pi 2 single-board computer, with audio and video output via HDMI into an ultra mobile Optoma PK-320 projector.

Check out the details here.